Saturday, March 17, 8PM at Bazaar Consignments, Roanoke,VA.
*Music seminar with Marty Thau (prolific producer, promoter, band manager, founder of Red Star Records, and has worked with artists like Blondie, The Ramones, The Fleshtones, Richard Hell, New York Dolls, Suicide, and more.)
*Live GameBoy/ NDS music provided by RECEPTORS (8-Bit Operators, Futurisk, Shakespace,)
*Live music from Samuel Jones Lunsford (The Young Sinclairs, Magic Twig)
Friday Feb 17, 2012. Roanoke Main Library. 6pm.
*Star Wars novel author Timothy Zahn discusses his work including "Star Wars:Choices of One", and more.
*Live GameBoy/ NDS music provided by RECEPTORS,
*Comic book/sci-fi illustrator Chris Pirate (“Myths VS Zombies”.)
*Stormtroopers / Star Wars costume competition and Glow-Sticking Poi.
"PROject proJECT is super happy to announce that Jeremy Kolosine / Receptors will take a break from his 2 year hiatus from live performance
(and 4 years since he last played in Roanoke) to provide an ambient / improvisational micro-chipmusic backdrop using 8-bit/16-bit Nintendo GameBoy and DSi."
Receptors will provide ambient/improvisational chipmusic backdrop pieces for Matt Ames ' projections on the Dorothy Gillespie mural at PROject proJECT tonight starting at 10pm. I'll perform a piece titled
Artillery Girls, Parts 2,3 & 4 as well as stripped down,slowed down variations on some of my other pieces, all performed on Gameboy and Nintendo DS.
Layout mapevent schedule
Chunky Pocket Electronics presents...
Friday, January 23, 2009 at 9:30pm
The Tank
354 West 45th Street
New York, NY
Chunky Pocket electronics has a three fall showdown with the following titans of nobit noise. For fans of Pulsewave, Bent Fest, or live high energy electronics, the following acts are ready to get you prepared for no holds barred excitement.
Burnkit2600 have been breaking the sound barrier since 1997 with their unique combination of electronic genres and oddball instrumentation. Their latest release, THIS IS THE SOUND!, features circuit-bent drums, ancient video game hardware, zombie howls, and organized chaos.
RECEPTORS is electronic artist/producer/gearhead Jeremy Kolosine aka Ksine, founder of electro pioneers Futurisk, and chiptune/bitpop vanguards 8-Bit Operators, among other projext. This will be Receptors 1st NYC show in over a year and will feature his 1st live performances of the the recently released 'groKwork for gameBoy' ,'fr33som3' and 'User EP' tracks for the gameboy ds/Korg ds-10.
Peter Swimm
In a time lost to history, Peter Swimm battles ceaselessly in gladiatorial combat, designed for the benefit of the fatted aristocracy. There, exposed to the sons of a thousand years of slavery from around the world, he begins to combine and develop new fighting styles, melding the tenacity of doom metal, the synthetic blips of cold new wave, and the sparse ambiance of surf punk, and the unbridled rage of the disenfranchised.
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08/07/ 2008 : FREE EVENT at Roanoke City Main Library (2nd floor) on Jefferson St, Thursday August 7, 6-8pm, hosted by Kate Abarbanel featuring a Receptors gameboy show and mini-workshop plus some free stuff! more here: Roanoke Emerging Artists
06/14/2008: Roanoke Emerging Artists One Year Anniversary Extravaganza.
11:30AM - 4:30PM, Roanoke Public Library
details to come - more here -
Roanoke Emerging Artists
*04/26/2008: Receptors live show in Roanoke, Virginia.
Receptors will perform a short gameboy set in my hometown Roanoke, Virginia.
It's at Plan 9 Records on Saturday April 26th at 10pm with my friends The Situationist who also have a CD release.
*December 7th at Salem Civic Ctr, and the 8th, 2007 at Virginia Tech:
Jeremy Kolosine | The Roanoke Symphony.
Jeremy Kolosine and his "Controller Array" of twisted toys will be part of the Holiday programme for Salem Civic Center on 7th Dec, and Virginia Tech on the 8th Dec:
details regarding the segment:
Roanoke Symphony Orchestra, David Wiley, Music Director Jeremy Kolosine, Technologist David Wiley, Conductor & Pianist
F.J. Haydn & Leopold Mozart "Toy Symphony" [First movement, Allegro] with soloist Jeremy Kolosine, Technologist (toys = Kolosine on electronics)
Kolosine's parts will basically be the percussive runs originally performed on the toy drum,rattle, triangle, toy trumpet, quail(cuckoo?) and nightingale, but will instead be replaced by electronic circuit-bent & modified toys (ie: the circuit-bent furby will take the nightingale part)
some equipment to be used: circuit-bent furby | circuit-bent speak & spell | pocket theremin | atari 2600 & controllers/carts | nintendo system/controllers/carts | gameboy classic/carts|gameboy ds
*Saturday, September 15th, 2007 at Pulsewave @ The Tank ,NYC.
performances by
Glomag | Receptors | Touchboy | Nullsleep
plus live Visuals by Dan Winckler.
*Feb 10th, 2007: In celebration of 8-Bit Operators Vinyl & CD Release, the release, Swedish bit-pop stars Covox, Psilodump and Random will be throwing a
CD release show
in Stockholm! :
"8-Bit Operators release party! Microdisko throws a party to celebrate the biggest event taking place in the chipmusic scene since the release of version 1 of Little Sound DJ; the release of the Kraftwerk-tribute 8-Bit Operators. On this record, to be released through Astralwerks, artists from the whole world interpret Kraftwerk's legendary hits with old computers and game-consoles. We cannot miss celebrating this future megaclassic orderly! Therefore we arrange a big party at Stacken, Stockholm, featuring concert with some of the contributory artists, DJ:s and VJ:s. More info about which artists and events take place during the night will follow. "
Date:February 10, 2007
Place: Microdisko - Stacken, David Bagares Gata 17,
Stockholm, Sweden.
Cost : 80 SEK
Check out some great links regarding the Blip Festival. I am still reeling from attending 3 nights of chip bliss, not to mention I got to perform opening night!
Thanks to everyone involved, especially Josh, Jeremiah of 8BitPeoples and Mike Rosenthal from the Tank...well, everyone! Also thanks to Errol and the Astralwerks folks for attending many of the shows. I will never forget the 1st annual Blip Festival NYC!
*04\20\06: Had a great time playing at the Bent 2006 circuit bending fest in NYC.Did a couple of nano2/gameboy micro tracks as well some lsdj/old grey gb tracks.Plus i ran my live gb cam feed during the set, which looked great up on the big screen. Check out the AP story on the Bent 2006 and here's a bunch of great pics on the Bent site..and here's a shot of Receptors on flickr by mindphone divided.
*04\01\06: The vertexlist show went well.It was nice to have the likes of Glomag, Bubbyfish, Nullsleep and Bit shifter in the audience.
..and here's a link to artist Tom Moody's site which has a shot of Receptors at last year's Bent Fest as well as some nice blog entries about 8-bit music...
*Saturday, October 22, 2005 at The Tank NYC
Receptors 10-22-05 by Dave Wolcheck
Far-flung cells of a global 8-bit coalition converge upon New York City
for an unprecedented mass deployment of high-volume, low-resolution beats,
melodies, and tones. Game Boys, Nintendo Entertainment Systems, and other
familiar & timeless video game consoles are pushed to unforseen limits by
an international all-star array including 9 music acts and 5 video artists! Related tactical agendas interweave as astonishing preliminary light is shed upon the highly classified
project _We're The Operators,_ a forthcoming 8-bit Kraftwerk tribute
compilation; and as focus is trained on the subversive game-engine talk
show _This Spartan Life_ (, complete with
random distribution of free propaganda materials. This is absolutely not
Bit Shifter (New York NY US) |
David Sugar (London UK) |
OMAC (New York NY US) |
M-.-n (Brussels Belgium) |
Bubblyfish (New York NY US) |
Receptors (Virginia US) |
Nullsleep (New York NY US) |
Hey Kid Nice Robot (Baltimore MD US) |
Glomag (New York NY US) |
Chika (New York NY US) |
Johnny Beverly 1989 :: noteNdo (Baltimore MD US) |
Ilan Katin (New York NY US)
Paris (New York NY US) |
Dan Winckler (New York NY US) |
graphic by ilan katin
Friday,September 16th 2005: Receptors performed at the CMJ Music Marathon the Cake Shop
in NYC's lower east side. My pals 8-BIT from LA also performed. My 'stylovoxed'(touch-screen vocoded) midiNES crapped out on me live again, so i ended up singing the songs. 8-Bit's show was great & fun as usual. It was great to see my old friend Sam Rosenthal (of Black Tape/Projekt fame)and my old Shakespace band-mate Josh Strawn at the show, plus artist/photographer Michael McCarthy got a cool shot of me playing that I need to get... .................
*Saturday, July 16th,2005:I regret that Receptors had to cancel the appearance at Nanci Raygun in Richmond with Chromelodeon and Khate. My apologies .Hope to reschedule.
*Saturday June 18th,2005: RECEPTORS with Remora / Clang Quartet / Torch Marauder. - at Nightlight in Chapel Hill, NC.
*May 28 2005: at Canco, Roanoke. My final Roanoke show.The Truenoke rap guys were nice and did a real good show.I had some sound problems at the onset but the gameboy & atari songs came out good- did a a couple of covers with Pocket Music(Sex Pistol's 'Submission' & Hawkwind's 'Spirit of the Age' as well as Futurisk's 'Meteoright'which I programmed for fun a while back but never used.
Used gameboy LSDJ & atari Synthcart for the originals as usual, and the midiNES gave me a little trouble (again)... Amidst the chaos I forgot to mention that this show was dedicated to Brooks Tuck. Enthusiastic and patient crowd with some lovely dancers. The Canco reminded me of the legendary No Phase Artspace location which Shakespace member Michelle Ferguson and local scenester Paul Scott ran for us back in '98/'99. It lasted for about 6 months, 6 days a week and must've had a over 100 bands play some great shows there. But unfortunately The Canco hosted only 4 shows(1 a month) before it was closed down allegedely due to 'code violations'!
*May 4th 2005: live broadcast show on 90.7FM WUVT went great, plus they had me record a new wuvt station call-out for them on my NES vocoder.
* * * * * * * * * * *May 3rd: live show at Virginia Tech's Old Dominion Ballroom.Met some cool people. Got $30 parking ticket from the campus which I ain't paying.
* * * * * * * * * *
*April 30th 2005,Saturday: Receptors peformed at the 2nd annual BENT circuit-bending fest,at The Tank NYC..
thanks everyone who saw my show & bought records at Bent 2005, especially the micro-chipsters and my heroes i finally got to meet...Glomag,Nullsleep,Bubblyfish &
Bitshifter as well as micropeeps Gijs, lektrogirl the
legendary Bill T Miller(thanx for the pix ) & Paul B Davis...
here's a great shot of my Furbinator(circuit-bent furby)by Kaizersoze124:
* * * * * * * * * *
*March 22nd '05: Under my pseudonymn Midi-Me,I out-jockeyed the laptop jockeys by being a gameboy pocket-jockey with a nano 1 mini-set at the Minijack Festival in Richmond .
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*The Jan 14th 2005 Receptors show at Artspace,Raleigh NC..was fun, except I almost died from a migraine.My apologies to anyone who saw me passed out on the piano in the lobby.Did an lsdj set w stylovox and the devenger-bent circuit.
* * * * * * * * * *
*Jan 8th 2005 show at the, 434noiseHouse
went well, great folks!I did an LSDJ gameboy show, and also used my 1st circuit-bend which I call the 'Devenger'...stay tuned for pix & audio .....
* * * * * * * * * *
December 17th 2004:'Do Androids Have Nightmares Before Xmas?'was our multi-media electro futurist show & return to Factory 324 (which sadly closes it doors forever in January, btw).It was an all ages show, and turnout was great.Projexorcism were awesome.Violent Spectators and abandonded shell went great,as did the Receptors set but it seemed my atari froze so MWA was a nanoloop set with Lee Mellozzi on noize vox.I discovered later that i had inadvertently switched the channel select on the atari to ch 2(probably the most obvious thing to check 1st)so human error as usual... Here's the flyer
Receptors Factory Flyer and here's some shots by Kent Moore at StarCityPunk(the pix start near bottom of his page..)
video to come
* * * * * * * * * *
Photos by Buck O'Buckley
10/28/2004: RECEPTORS' live show at Factory 324 with Doug Cheatwood and Dig Shovel Dig went great!.Dig Shovel Dig used every limb and tone available to man(well, almost...), and Doug Cheatwood emerged as a technology-punishing angel of death!2 of his minions performed some creepy excorsisms..I performed primarily on my gameboy Controller Array and an Atari 2600.J.Wilson & Lee Mellozzi(sp?)helped on the last song, my Atari version of Iggy Pop's 'Funtime'. The lyric "last night I was down in the lab, talking to Dracula and his crew" seemed appropriate for the occasion.Thanks to all who came.
This was my 1st real hometown show since Shakespace's final show with the full line-up, at the Grandin Theatre, 4 years ago, Halloween 2000.
10/01/2004: Atari Convention,Raleigh,NC.A gameboy controller array set and 3 songs on the atari.This was my first solo show since 1980 (although m3 helped me this one time on the atari MWA segment) my son got to come and play all the classic games .Thanks to Michael Erwin for the live clips of the tracks.
* * * * * * * * *
Photos of Receptors live 06/04/04 by Nick Maximiv.
06/04/2004:Our return engagement at
PIANOS in NYC with Autoparty and others.Jess and Emily Underwood joined me this time . Check out Receptors' "Lo-bit-12-tone 1[variation]" live gameboy track. We also played a cover of Eno's 'Miss Shapiro' and the Cure's 'Shake Dog Shake'. The 'electro-punk-space-funk' DJ sets of Clark Humphrey & Marshall Mogue ran smoothly, the sound in that room is good. Beth Orton & PJ Harvey both played impromptu shows there the night before and after our gig.
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Photos of RECEPTORS live in NYC 04/04/04 by Michael McCarthy.
04/04/2004:NYC East Village PIANOS. This was my 1st ALL electronic live show since the final
FUTURISK show. Musically it went great.The audience seemed into us. Jess Underwood & I actually played 2 of my favorite covers ever, by Hawkwind off the same album!(Actually, Robt Calvert's 'Capt Lockheed' album.)Unfortunately the main band we were billed with were rude jerks!(the lead singer, anyway) We ended with a somewhat iconoclastic interpretation of the Buzzcocks' 'Something Goes Wrong Again'(translation:I destroyed the lyrics, never liked the original words anyway ). The other 6 songs were all new originals.
Check out more free 8-bit music mp3's on the audio page...
8-bit futurist | electro-funk | space-punk
music & content: copyright 2001-2008 jeremy kolosine / ReceptorsMusic/ Clark Humphrey Records / No Phase Records ///
o'buckley - webdesign